2013 Tianxin Pharmaceutical Cup
This is an exhibition game between Gu Li and Lee Sedol.
An English commentary can be found on GoGameGuru as well as an accompanying, non-commented game record.
If you love sacrifice, you will adore this game. Lee Sedol, playing White, gave up an immense group, which seemed to be the key group of the game, to take large territory at the other side of the fences. Any amateur would shiver at the thought of sacrificing a group of that size and resign when losing it. Lee Sedol however shows us just how large the board actually is.
is a move we see often in pro games nowadays. Conventional play is to make a two space extension at a.
follows another principle, leaning against a strong stone to reinforce one's own group.
With -
the game becomes very "hot".
prevents a connection through a monkey jump.
surrounds those stones.
goes for a large capture of White's heavy group.