Forum for Baduk

Pronunciation [#9293]

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Dieter: Pronunciation (2020-05-30 17:11) [#11533]

When encountering Korean tourists, I have mentioned Baduk, and they generally didn't get what I was talking about until one finally said: "Oh, paduk!" Today, I tried: "I play paduk in Korea using Internet" and all three immediately understood me. Moreover, one girl said: "yes, paduk is very hard" which convinced me that Koreans understand the game very well, even if they don't play it. ilan

madphage?: In my experience 'bah-dook' doesn't seem to be recognized by the Koreans I've met, whereas saying something like 'pah-doo' is recognizable.

iopq: It used to be romanized as "paduk." Does anyone know if the first sound is aspirated or voiced?

Velobici: see [ext] Introduction to Korean. In particular the section entitled [ext] More Consonants and [ext] Three Faces of P.

Sandra: Long story short: it is aspirated but there is one other letter that is even more aspirated (and an even bigger candidate for being romanized as 'p') and one that is less. So yeah, it sounds more like 'p' than any other western letter but there’s an even more 'p'-sounding Korean letter.

I've never heard of that. The standard description is that ㅂ (used in Baduk/바둑) is unaspirated; ㅍ is aspirated; and ㅃ is tensed and unaspirated. At the start of a word, all three are unvoiced.

Best pronounced word on baduk should be spelled bah-dewk. Never pronunciate it as bad duck. Koreans won't understand it.

Patrick Traill: I have added the IPA transcription from English Wiktionary (same as in Korean) and a link to their sound samples for their usage of IPA; /p/ and /b/ do indeed sound very similar to Western ears; unfortunately I could not find a Wiktionary article with a sound sample, but Forvo has it.

spaceraven: The 'b' in baduk is voiced AND aspirated. It is typically very difficult sound for a non-speaker to pronounce. Start by pronouncing a regular 'b' sound and add much more breath at the onset.

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