Forum for Don't descend, connect

clarification question [#908]

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SteveKroon: clarification question (2007-03-16 07:07) [#3194]

From the page:

Black to play  

Instead, we play B1, which is sente. White should not omit W2 or a black play there might be sente. The other advantage of playing W2 is that it induces a cutting point at a.

My question: first off playing W2, B3, W4 is gote, so playing W2 because a black play there might be sente seems pointless. Does White not play 2 because he has to play in the area somewhere, rather than tenuki, to prevent Black capturing by playing at 4?

Bill: Re: clarification question (2007-03-16 15:58) [#3196]

Dear Steve,

My question: first off playing W2, B3, W4 is gote, so playing W2 because a black play there might be sente seems pointless. Does White not play 2 because he has to play in the area somewhere, rather than tenuki, to prevent Black capturing by playing at 4?

Normally W2 is aji keshi; simply playing W4 leaves White with other options. But in this case a Black play at W2 may threaten to kill, make ko, or at least capture White's three stones and save his two stones. (Start with the hane.)

That being the case, it is not all that clear that Black should not start at W2. There are better examples of the tesuji.

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