Forum for Graded Go Problems For Beginners
Vol. 4 Error? [#866]
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Vol. 4 Error?
(2007-02-06 20:06) [#3047]
Can someone with vol. 4 verify for me that they have the "correct" and "failure" solutions switched for problem 43? (I'm pretty sure it was #43-- it's this position:)
The "correct" solution shows a bamboo joint, but the text refers to "a" and "b" which only appear on the "failure" diagram.
Also a question on a related problem:
is their solution-- what did I do wrong in my continuation? or does this sequence hurt enough that it's ok for black?
Re: Vol. 4 Error?
(2007-02-06 20:06) [#3048]
Hmm maybe I know what's wrong:
Re: Vol. 4 Error?
(2007-02-06 20:50) [#3049]
Paul Clarke: seems to have moved in your answer diagrams. I'm pretty sure that's against the rules :-).
Re: Vol. 4 Error?
(2007-02-06 20:59) [#3050]
Paul Clarke: More constructively, the original position is a joseki that's discussed in EasyWayOutOfADoubleKakari.
Re: Vol. 4 Error?
(2007-02-06 21:03) [#3052]
Right-- they list that way as the "wrong" answer, but I think the diagrams are switched.
Re: Vol. 4 Error?
(2007-02-06 21:01) [#3051]
Sorry, I wasn't clear-- It's two separate (though similar) problems. I didn't show the solution for the first one. :)
Re: Vol. 4 Error?
(2007-02-06 23:57) [#3055]
Yes, the diagrams are swapped over.
The "correct answer" diagram (the right-hand one) could have this continuation:
Black is happy to give away the marked stones in exchange for the marked white stone and a large territory on the side.
Re: Vol. 4 Error?
(2007-02-07 00:09) [#3056]
Thanks, that's what I thought. :)
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