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having problems with what i understand about scoring! [#847]

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joseki123: having problems with what i understand about scoring! (2007-01-20 23:43) [#2996]

On the britgo comic, page8 it says nothing about counting the stones you have out on the board, or puting prisoners in your oponents territory. Are there different scoring rules for the british? 'Cause i'm getting confused weather some rules are japanese or chinese.

blubb: Re: having problems with what i understand about scoring! (2007-01-21 01:09) [#2997]

Could you provides us with a direct link? Re: having problems with what i understand about scoring! (2007-01-24 09:10) [#3015]

right, its only counting the empty territory (not the stones on the board) + plus captured stones.

this is Japanese counting.

adding the captured stones to your own territory is equlivant to subtracting the captured stones from your opponent's territory.

adding opponent's prisioners to your territory: 5+2= 7 for black, 6+3= 9 for white; white wins by 2

or subtracting opponent's prisioners from opponent's territory: 5-3= 2 for black, 6-2= 4 for white; white wins by 2

filling in just makes it easier to count by hand.

joseki123: ((no subject)) (2007-01-24 07:27) [#3013]

[ext] and if you see page seven you can see more of what it says about scoring.

Bill: Re: ((no subject)) (2007-01-24 08:49) [#3014]

The style of scoring is territory scoring. Which is actually territory plus prisoner scoring.

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