When false eyes are eyes ...
This expression may hint to the infamous two-headed dragon or the rules issue moonshine life.
Many people seem to use this expression with the following position in mind:
The circled points are eyes. The point marked a is a connection rather than an eye. Black can play there without altering his life and death status, which is not true of either of his eyes. (Black would lose a point, in Japanese counting).
It is true that White cannot play at a, ever, which makes this point resemble a single point eye?. It is also true that if Black occupied one of the squared spots, the point a would also be an eye.
Yet, the point a should not be thought of as a false eye or a real eye but as a connection.
HandOfPaper: My own thoughts on this, coupled with something similar having occurred in a game of mine, led me to think of the following live formation:
iopq: Nothing weird about it. The circled points are eyes. The squared points are the three diagonal points required for a real eye.
In this diagram, all black groups are alive: White can't play in either of the circled points. However, all four corners of both circled points are filled with white stones. The "two-headed dragon" proves the TwoCornersKillsTheEye saying to be false ; this diagram proves that even four corners do not always kill the eye.