While I am intrigued that your two squares approach works as well as it does, I fear you may find yourself unable to complete it so that it is both useful and correct. It may be that it proves helpful in spite of that, though I think that is not yet clear. To some extent, I suppose it works because a ‘square’ is a ‘played out’ eye; in that sense it may be less original than it looks.
As things stand, it is a little unclear what your full definition is, so it is hard for us to provide counterexamples. There are various problems:
You also say that your 2x2 example is conceptually a two-headed dragon, but since you have not defined what you mean by that, this statement is unhelpful.
I also observe that several links to your page have been added, but I think this is premature until there is more consensus on how useful your approach is. I think that provisionally it is fair to link from very specific and theoretical pages; I am just not quite sure which.
Thank you for your feedback
I know that the article is not well structured, and there lack many definitions and explanations. I'm working on it, but does have too much time to do it either.
I appreciate your detailed feedback. This helps me to focus my efford on the most important areas first.
Best Regards Kjeld
To remove confusion, please move the chapter "Old section below" to a subpage.
To remove confusion, please move the chapter "Seki" to a subpage or clarify that it does not belong to the chapter "Old section below".
To remove confusion, please move the chapter "Applications" to a subpage or clarify that it does not belong to the chapter "Old section below".
In the case of the chapter "Seki" not belonging to the chapter "Old section below", please remove contradiction to your statement "Life is not dynamic." by deleting all diagrams showing move sequences or by deleting your statement.
In the case of the chapter "Applications" not belonging to the chapter "Old section below", please remove contradiction to your statement "Life is not dynamic." by deleting all diagrams showing move sequences or by deleting your statement.
Please clarify whether the draft of the method Two Squares applies to either a) each go position or b) each settled go position.
Please complete "two squares each with two connections to each other" as "two squares each with at least two connections to each other" (because examples with three or four connections are known on rectangular boards).
Without all these clarifications, the intention of the draft of the method Two Squares is ambiguous and unclear.