Forum for Golaxy

Should the name be "Galaxy", not "Golaxy"? [#6204]

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ahiijny: Should the name be "Galaxy", not "Golaxy"? (2018-08-04 21:13) [#11145]

In the English commentary of the 3rd game in the series against Leela Zero, Guochen said: "Sorry for the typo of Golaxy… It should be 'Galaxy'." ([ext], at move 0)

Note that in Chinese, the name is "星阵围棋" (lit. "Star Array Go"), so "Galaxy" makes more sense as a translation.

I don't know how to rename pages though.

PeterHB: Re: Should the name be "Galaxy", not "Golaxy"? (2018-08-05 00:02) [#11146]

Just from your linked page I see the icon they created was 'Golaxy'. From a single comment I'm not keen to rename it. Perhaps Uberdude or some other people will be back here and express an opinion. I have the ability to rename the page, just not the inclination to do so on my interpretation of the current information. Additional information will probably persuade me.

Unkx80: Re: Should the name be "Galaxy", not "Golaxy"? (2018-08-05 16:37) [#11147]

Looking at various places, such as [ext], I think the name "Golaxy" is intended by the authors. Also, by looking at Google results, it seems that every other place is using the name "Golaxy". Therefore I am not inclined to do the page rename as requested either.

The name "Golaxy" can be seen as a corruption of the word "galaxy" so that the first two characters becomes "go".

ahiijny: Re: Should the name be "Galaxy", not "Golaxy"? (2018-08-05 18:56) [#11149]

Truuuuue. I can't believe I didn't realize that until now. "Go + Galaxy". Of course.

"o" and "a" are pretty far apart on the keyboard, so yeah, it's sort of unlikely that it was a typo.

Perhaps as a result of that comment though, I've seen it referred to as "Galaxy" instead of "Golaxy" in a few places like r/cbaduk and the Leela Zero repository. Maybe it's worth adding a comment on the page, something like "sometimes (mistakenly?) referred to as Galaxy"? For searchability.

Unkx80: Re: Should the name be "Galaxy", not "Golaxy"? (2018-08-09 11:51) [#11154]

"o" and "a" are pretty far apart on the keyboard, so yeah, it's sort of unlikely that it was a typo.

Yes if using a [ext] QWERTY keyboard, which the majority of the people are using. However, "o" and "a" are next to each other if the keyboard uses the [ext] Dvorak layout. Nevertheless, a typo looks very unlikely in what appears to be the official logo of Golaxy.

Perhaps as a result of that comment though, I've seen it referred to as "Galaxy" instead of "Golaxy" in a few places like r/cbaduk and the Leela Zero repository. Maybe it's worth adding a comment on the page, something like "sometimes (mistakenly?) referred to as Galaxy"? For searchability.


Actually I find official information regarding both the company as well as the program hard to find. I was not able to locate even the company's official webpage, if they have any. If you know more, you can edit the page and add the information in.

ahiijny: ((no subject)) (2018-08-05 18:56) [#11148]

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