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Places to play...PLEASE HELP ME [#557]

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IKnowNotGo: Places to play...PLEASE HELP ME (2006-07-26 04:16) [#1946]

Hello Everyone, I LOVE the game of Go, but at this point in time, i have no where to play. I used to play at MSN, but it's been down for the past month, with no signs that it plans on coming back. I wanted to ask you guys if you know of anywhere to play. And, is "Java" something that is alright to download...it won't mess with your computer or anything?...i see KGS, but it needs Java, and i'm kind of hasitent of downloading it. If anyone can help me, i'd be most obliged.
Thank you for your time and cooperation. -IKnowNotGo?

Hu: Re: Places to play...PLEASE HELP ME (2006-07-26 07:56) [#1948]

I don't think you have anything to worry about Java. Java is generally installed on modern computers. Download the WebStart? version of CGoban2 from the KGS site. There are not likely to be any problems, but if it doesn't work well, load the latest version of Java from [ext] http://java.com

axd: ((no subject)) (2006-07-26 12:22) [#1950]

Maybe turn based go servers might help as well?

jonathan: ((no subject)) (2006-07-26 18:59) [#1953]

Downloading java is not dangerous. The only possible problem I can see is if you have a really old computer and operating system then java may not run well on your system. Give java try -- it won't give your computer a virus or anything.

Java Web Start is actually very good and KGS has the best user interface around.

I play on the turn based server DGS and recommend it as a good alternative if you don't have/want java on your computer.

IKnowNotGo: ((no subject)) (2006-08-01 06:20) [#1986]

Thank you everyone for helping me...and I apologize for it taking this long to see your answers. I'm currently downloading Java, and i'm going to go to KGS and play there...i'll be using the same name as i do here, so i hope I see some of you there. I'm not that great at the game, but I Love it so very much, and want to become better at it.

IKnowNotGo: ((no subject)) (2006-08-03 06:35) [#2005]

does anyone here play on KGS?...i'm going to play there for now on. i use the name IKnowNotGo?..hope to see you there.

Phelan: Re: ((no subject)) (2006-08-03 06:55) [#2008]

Yes, many of us play on KGS, see KGSPeople.

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