Forum for Nozomi

Not what the term means [#4906]

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HermanHiddema: Not what the term means (2018-02-14 13:55) [#11075]

I don't think this page is in any way correct. It takes a much too specific meaning for a more general term.

On L19, Uberdude asked whether there was an existing term for the following move:


And John Fairbairn commented that this would be called nozomi (gazing from a distance) in Japanese.

He later posted an example where white played a fifth line move inside a black framework:


which he also called a nozomi.

It seems this page takes the second example and interprets it to literally mean "a fifth-line ogeima approach to a corner", whereas given the first example, the meaning really is "gazing from a distance" as in a more indirect/distant peeping move.

VanMorrison: ((no subject)) (2018-02-14 14:48) [#11076]

Could we partly define it as "an approach move against a stone which is played on a higher line".

HermanHiddema: Re: ((no subject)) (2018-02-14 16:56) [#11077]

I haven't a clue. The translation given, gazing from a distance, does not specify anything about being higher.

I guess most low(er) moves would be considered kakari (approach) or uchikomi (invasion) or wariuchi (splitting move), but then again many high moves might also be called kakari or keshi (reduction) or yosumi (probe).

But a move can fit multiple terms at the same time, so perhaps a move can be, say, both wariuchi and nozomi at the same time. Someone familiar with the Japanese usage would have to chime in on that to be sure.

As is, the page is simply wrong.

reply ((no subject)) (2018-02-14 17:51) [#11078]

I think we should replace the page definition with Herman's summary. I'm pretty sure it's a mistake to look for a technical definition of this term. It's probably a metaphor or analogy and should be taken as such.

Slarty: Re: ((no subject)) (2018-02-14 20:25) [#11079]

According to multiple Wikipedia pages, the word nozomi in Japanese means "hope" or "wish" and is also a name. So far, I'm taking it as a loose threat/approach. Based on limited information!

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