Forum for Yunzi

Worry Stones Yunzi containing lead have? [#4872]

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reply Worry Stones Yunzi containing lead have? (2018-02-09 04:31) [#11073]

Worry Stones Yunzi containing lead have? I plan to buy the Yunzi Stones for my son but there are many sources of information stated that the Stones Yunzi have yet to lead and it really makes me worry about this. Yunzi Stones contain lead has to be the truth?

PeterHB: Re: Worry Stones Yunzi containing lead have? (2018-02-10 21:01) [#11074]

It is a reasonable thing to worry about, as Yunzi have had lead content in the past. You should use the link on the Yunzi page where [ext] ChiyoDad discusses this subject

As you are probably buying from a different supplier than ChiyoDad, it is possible you could be supplied with yunzi containing lead. I think the reasonable reaction to your wish to protect your child would be to buy the [ext] Lead detecting swabs that ChiyoDad used. Then use it on a couple of stones when you first open the box of stones.

Depending on your social / negotiating / communication skills, you may be able to use the lead detecting swab on a stone in the shop.

You have to make the risk judgement yourself, not rely on the advice of a random stranger on the internet who is not qualified in the subject of testing for lead in stones. A simpler approach may be to avoid the risk and just buy Korean or Japanese double convex glass stones e.g. these: [ext] het paard glass stones

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