Forum for Rank Diploma

Good but narrow [#475]

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IanDavis: Good but narrow (2006-06-07 15:39) [#1685]

The content is good, but makes it sound a little like only the Nihon Kiin issues Dan diploma. Should we add info from practice around the world or rename the page?

Bill: Re: Good but narrow (2006-06-07 17:52) [#1687]

And even in Japan, private schools offer amateur diplomas, too. Re: Good but narrow (2006-06-08 05:06) [#1694]

AndreasTeckentrup: please feel free to add any info about dan diplomas

some infos i would appreciate:

dan diplomas in china and korea

8 dan diplomas in japan - i think for wagc winner, amateur honinbo or national champion of japan only

reply amateur diplomas in Japan (2006-06-07 19:18) [#1689]

Bob McGuigan: Amateur dan diplomas in Japan can be obtained through achieving certain scores in ranking tournaments. They can also be obtained through paying a pro to test the candidate, usually by playing a one-on-one handicap game. Usually the dan ranks won through the tournament route are fairly solid. The ones obtained through paying a pro can be less solid possibly due to the desire of the pros not to alienate paying customers. It used to be the case that a rank diploma could be won by performing at a certain level in solving problems in the go magazines (e.g. Kido or Igo Club), but I don't know whether that method is still available.

Unkx80: ((no subject)) (2006-06-07 19:37) [#1690]

I think this article can be expanded to "amateur rank diplomas", which includes kyu diplomas.

Another way amateur diplomas can be obtained is to be assessed by a professional player through a written test containing a number of problems. The test may be the final component in a go class taught by a professional, or may be taken alone by paying a fee. I guess this is similar to "solving problems in the go magazines", and I think usually this method is restricted to kyu diplomas.

velobici: IGS Rating Ceritificates (2006-06-07 19:48) [#1691]

On a related note: IGS offers [ext] rating certificates for a fee. These certificates expire after one year and must be renewed. These might not have the cachet of Nihon-Kiin diplomas. ;^)

reply ((no subject)) (2006-06-08 01:12) [#1692]


feel free to add content, I just thought since there was no page about it people on senseis might be interested. I dont know much about the rank diplomas issued by pros, i just wanted to participate in the tournament and got some infos about it.

X Re: ((no subject)) (2006-06-08 02:25) [#1693]

Bill: Hi, Andreas! Thanks for the page.

Is the Japanese site correct about the different costs for the diploma, depending on outcome? Do 2/2 players play a fifth round?

Thanks. Re: ((no subject)) (2006-06-08 04:45) [#1695]

AndreasTeckentrup: I got a leaflet in japanese, and my japanese isnt quite perfect. For all wins, you dont have to pay, and for 1 loss, you only pay half the fee. I do not think there is a 5th round for people who want to pay less, but maybe i just overlooked it.

Bill: Re: ((no subject)) (2006-06-08 10:31) [#1696]

Then your information is up to date, which the Japanese site may not be. I have removed the reference to it.

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