Forum for spindizzy 1976

About territory and counting [#445]

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Dieter: About territory and counting (2006-05-18 15:08) [#1594]

Hi, you might want to try Minue's Haengma tutorial for beginners because I have a feeling you struggle with the concept of territory. I don't really know what you mean with "playing territorially" as opposed to making invasions.

As for counting, I'd say, spend more time on it. First group, 15 points. OK 15 that is. First group 15. Fif-teen. One-five. Now second group. Three moves later, two groups have been altered. "First group, still fifteen, second group 28, ..."

X Re: About territory and counting (2006-05-19 10:00) [#1601]

Hi. Thanks for the tips. I'll try to read a bit of the Haeng-Ma everyday (I can't take it on board if I read it all in one go). What I want to say by playing territorially vs. aggressively is about trying to expand territory which I already have, or trying to make new groups by invading the opponent's territory.

I'm beginning to think if I have a choice between the two, I should concentrate on expanding my already established territories because there is less risk of dying or of handing the initiative to the opponent.

However, I read a quote a while ago on SL that is was "bad taste to expand existing territories" or something like that. I can't find the page anymore. I know that confused me quite a lot.

Bill: Re: About territory and counting (2006-05-19 16:46) [#1603]

Hi, Spindizzy!

Just to add a couple of more pennies.... I have what may be a fix for at least some of these kill-or-be-killed slugfests. Throw some stones away. The fight doesn't necessarily have to be all or nothing. Very often, by taking the opportunity, or even making the opportunity to throw some stones away you can strengthen the stones you do not throw away and get a much better result. Doing this could make you two stones or more stronger in a short time.

I'm beginning to think if I have a choice between the two, I should concentrate on expanding my already established territories because there is less risk of dying or of handing the initiative to the opponent.

There may be less risk of dying, but there is a very grave risk of handing the initiative to the opponent. This is a recipe for falling behind in the opening and early middle game.

The alternative is not to be super-aggressive and invade deeply. As Dieter says, the strength of groups is important. If your own groups are secure, look for ways to probe the weaknesses of your opponent's position. Take large points. Think about balance and harmonious development.

Good luck!


Dieter: about territory (2006-05-19 11:13) [#1602]

You see, the way you think about territory may be a problem. Territory should come automatically as the impossibility for your opponent to create living groups inside your sphere of influence, or as the eyespace of a group of your own. Once it is there it cannot be invaded. Territory is not any kind of surrounded area or mapped out sphere of influence.

Why would this understanding be problematic? Because, 1) one tends to disregard the health of groups in favour of surrounding empty points, 2) one tends to cling to a certain area as "mine", while the claim to that area was not justified and 3) actively making territory where one is already very influential is not efficient.

I believe reading Minue's article can cure such a distorted vision but maybe you have a correct understanding already.


Which parts of the board here would you consider as whose territory and where do you think more of spheres of influence? Are there any weaknesses in the positions? Where would you play now as Black. (I am definitely not saying I know the answers)

reply Thanks Dieter & Bill & Minue (2006-05-20 15:17) [#1604]

Thanks for your comments. I think what you told me must have been exactly what I needed to hear. I played a few games today and my performance was quite dramatically better than before. It's amazing how reading a few sentences can make such a difference. In particular, the haeng-ma tutorial is just genius... Cheers!

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