I call this "Fetus in fetu" and this is not covered in my theory. But thank you for your comment.
You call it "fetus in fetu", but does anyone else? I've never heard that medical term used for this kind of life in Go (instead "false eye life", DoubleHeadedDragon, snake/dragon eating its own tail) and I don't see the allusion of a little version of something living in a bigger one: the 2 false eyes are equal in importance. So I'd suggest calling it by a more familiar name.
In your example white is living inside black
Thank you for your response. I will consider changing it
It seems to me that calling these eyes false means one’s definition of ‘false eye’ is unsatisfactory.
After I have discovered the property of omitting corner stones in the squares as being equal to the number of connections to other squares, I would no longer refer to eyes as being false. I would rather say that there are too few connections to other squares or too many omitted corner stones