Do eyes exist with value other than 1 or 1/2? [#3133]
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Do eyes exist with value other than 1 or 1/2?
(2015-04-18 21:52) [#10472]
If so, please show examples. If not, why not?
Re: Do eyes exist with value other than 1 or 1/2?
(2015-04-19 07:10) [#10474]
Each of the marked points is 1/3 of an eye.
Re: Do eyes exist with value other than 1 or 1/2?
(2015-04-19 07:40) [#10475]
Each of the area's around an a is 3/4 of an eye, while b is half an eye, so 3/4 + 3/4 + 1/2 = 2 and black is alive even if white moves first.
Re: Do eyes exist with value other than 1 or 1/2?
(2015-04-19 22:16) [#10479]
Fractional Eye nice page Herman
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