Forum for 4-4 point low approach low extension, slide, 3-3

White extends in the corner, Black tenuki ? [#3096]

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Timm: White extends in the corner, Black tenuki ? (2014-12-09 13:34) [#10332]

Hello all,

Standard joseki  

In this situation I am often tempted to tenuki with Black. So, is this possible, and what's at stake ? And how should White come back to the corner and Black answer ?

tapir: Re: White extends in the corner, Black tenuki ? (2014-12-09 14:42) [#10333]
Local answer  

but ... BasicEndgameTheory#toc2. Sure way to lose a game if you respond timidly to each such move, your opponent can play something similar in the next corner etc. and you are pushed around and your territory is reduced to nothing. Your instinct to tenuki is good, the tenuki just has to be a move that counts as well. (W1 + gote follow up is quite large.)

Timm: Re: White extends in the corner, Black tenuki ? (2014-12-09 14:47) [#10334]

Hi Tapir,

Thanks for your answer, and sorry I don't get your point. I understand that blocking is a large move, but doesn't the principle you just mentioned actually tells Black to consider the possibility of tenuki before answering ?

My motivation is also that at my level, I see this move played much too early in the game.

tapir: Re: White extends in the corner, Black tenuki ? (2014-12-09 15:17) [#10335]

Sure. Consider tenuki first. I meant to say, that tenuki is often correct even when W1 is played at the proper time. I.e. you should consider it not only when you feel the move is played too early, but also, when it is played at the proper time, e.g. in a handicap game.

(I thought you asked for the local answer.)

Timm: Re: White extends in the corner, Black tenuki ? (2014-12-09 15:41) [#10336]

Oh sorry, I wasn't clear enough then.

B2 tenuki  

So you're saying that Black doesn't really have much to fear apart for this gote corner profit ? (Let me know if my sequence is too crude...)

tapir: Re: White extends in the corner, Black tenuki ? (2014-12-09 16:32) [#10337]

With black+circle in place, no, nothing to fear. With a white stone in that direction situation would be different.

Timm: Re: White extends in the corner, Black tenuki ? (2014-12-10 00:27) [#10338]

Oh, actually, I have another related question : the same position, but if Black has taken the high extension. I hope I'm not asking too many questions... These situations pop up rather often in my games so they really interest me. I've tried to be clear this time !

White to play  

What's the aji in Black's position ?

White to play  

Is this to be expected ?

White to play  

Or maybe something like this ?

Black to play  

Also, on a related note, how can Black answer (not tenuki) if White pushes into the corner while Black hasn't got an extension yet ? Is Black happy to take the chance to extend, or is there a more appropriate answer ?

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