Try to deactivate a foot note marker in an info box, but I cannot [#3092]
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Try to deactivate a foot note marker in an info box, but I cannot
(2014-11-30 05:21) [#10324]
RueLue: I try to deactivate a foot note marker >[1]< ( [1] ) in an info box, but I cannot (see page SmartGameFormat) .
((no subject))
(2014-11-30 12:09) [#10325]
A removed the links without problem. Is that what you wanted to do?
Re: deactivate...
(2014-11-30 18:03) [#10327]
RueLue: No, I wanted the "FF[4]" etc. be visible. This is what SGF coders (those, who dare to edit an SGF file with a text editor) know.
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