I have seen that when Black attempts to live by playing the diagonal move of , the placement of is the correct response. But what happens if is played at A instead?
Presumably this is a sub-optimal/incorrect move as I haven't see it discussed in any references to this shape.
My question are:
Alex: Looks like it works to me, from the point of view of killing. However, the "correct" move only allows Black one ko threat, while your move allows at least three. Also, if the surrounding White stones are not alive and the Black group will eventually need to be taken off the board, your move may lose a point because it does not fill a Black liberty.
Uberdude: The suggested move at A does also kill, but it is not such a good way to kill because the moves it gives black in sente in the failed attempt to live are more useful. To show this, let's slightly weaken the surrounding white stones and add some friendly black stones on the outside:
After black can't connect to the marked stone so is dead in the corner. Make sure you don't play at a or black can cut and fight a ko to live.