from messt?, a page about the autumn tournament 2003 of an italian room at kgs
MK I thought senseis is purely english. If every national association puts it's stuff here, Recent Changes will become totally unreadable. Hey, how about a separate Italian Wiki?
Xan : No MK, i dont agree. Why not being multilanguage while world is and must remain multilanguage ? On the contrary i was planning to ask the Sensei's Library mantainers how offer a multilanguage support for all technical pages. Besides we have putted not rubbish chatteries but only real news about tournment in compact format and in only one page. Moreover RecentChanges is glueing all change reports of a single page thus is easy to skip unwanted. Anyway thanks for your correct remark for leave tidy the RecentChanges page after which ive enhanced the hint for marking as MinorEdit most of the editing at this page.
DJ: I have serious doubts that such kind of pages belongs to SL.
I do not know whether the problem is the language: English is of course the default one, although we have a few pages in German.
IMVHO the problem is that this page is not very useful for the Go community at large. As far as I understand this is a kind of tournament report, and while the news of a new tournament happening are useful, important and deserve space, the tournament results are of no interest to me: they would rather pertain to the tournament web page...
Mind you that this page has nothing to do with any of the two Italian national Go associations, which have already their problems and do not need to be given faults they do not have...
Problem is, SL is becoming famous, everybody wants to leave a trace here and, as already noted by fellow deshi's in many other pages, the level of recent postings seems not to be particularly homogeneous...
Xan : Dear Fulvio (aka DJ), the basic motivation for this page is for advise the players and friends about next games coordinates (players names, ranks, team, room, when, W/B, handi), where KGSTeamTournament lacks totally, and offering better support for assist and review and teach and growing of Go. Putting here also results, that i agree is primary duty of KGSTeamTournament organization in his own site, is only a bit of infos helping people and very minor overhead of few bytes ([WB]+...)