Tapir asked for some statistics about the search position feature. Here is a breakdown by month, since the start. The average is about 120 searches per day:
Month #searches Apr/2009 1735 May/2009 3713 Jun/2009 4538 Jul/2009 3085 Aug/2009 3339 Sep/2009 2941 Oct/2009 2758 Nov/2009 3617 Dec/2009 3786 Jan/2010 3465 Feb/2010 3477 Mar/2010 3751 Apr/2010 3855 May/2010 4683 Jun/2010 3679 Jul/2010 3219 Aug/2010 3861 Sep/2010 3701 Oct/2010 3117
The most common searches are from diagrams on Beginner Exercise 1 (574 times,) Ear Reddening Game (524x,) Beginner Study Section (473x,) Positional Judgement Problem 1 (303x,) Corner shapes (233x) and Rules of Go - introductory (209x). The most common search is for an empty corner pattern on a 19x19 board (704 times.) :o)