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(resolved) Request: edit subheader gives the complete chapter for editing [#2433]

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reply (resolved) Request: edit subheader gives the complete chapter for editing (2010-11-10 07:56) [#8091]

RueLue: This idea is Tapir's idea, but I think, it is worth an own entry: when editing a == heading all sub-headings with === or ==== (and the same for 2nd level headings with === towards ==== sub-headings) should be editable as well.
At the moment (10-2010) it is not possible to edit only a section at the bottom of a big page (section-#/toc-# over 100; see e.g. the KGS-wishlists) - you must edit the whole page (but that is a bug).

ArnoHollosi: resolved (2010-11-07 22:28) [#8103]

resolved bug for more than 100 headings (new limit is 200); changed behaviour so that sub-headings are included now as well

tapir: Re: resolved (2010-11-07 23:41) [#8105]

Thank you so much, Arno!

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