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Regaining motivation [#2401]

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reply Regaining motivation (2010-10-03 14:28) [#8022]

From time to time I feel that my playing gets mechanical, uninspired and just plain dull. My motivation and interest in Go seems to fade away, because of too many other obligations. But I realized that I can do something to counter this: I started reading the 'Hikaru No Go' series again. This may sound silly, but it helps.

So here is my question: What do you do to regain your interest and motivation in playing Go in such a situation?

X Re: Regaining motivation (2010-10-04 00:27) [#8024]

Bob McGuigan: (Re)reading Kageyama's Lessons in the fundamentals of Go usually works. Rereading Nakayama's The Treasure Chest Enigma also works. Playing through some masterpiece games by famous pros reminds me of what a deep, mysterious, and wonderful game it is. Re: Regaining motivation (2010-10-09 10:51) [#8034]

Thank you for the hints. I have bought a copy of the Lessons in the fundamentals of Go.

GoannaEmu: Get a rival (2010-12-15 08:42) [#8184]

I know what you mean about "mechanical"

A friend and I taught ourselves to play a few years ago,

Now if I have lost the zest - I just look at his KGS ranking...Then I am right back on go world.

It is a bit like the hikaru story - but it works for me :)

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