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(moved) invasions [#24]

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ArnoHollosi: (moved) invasions (2005-10-09 00:56) [#48]

isshoni: I've browsed SL for them and used the search function, but I haven't found any coverage of the invasions below.


  • Do you know of SL pages that cover them?
  • If not, would it be of interest to create them?
  • Should they then be added to HolIgor struggles with the high extension (or else), or have (a) separate page(s)?
  • If I decide to commit myself to create this content, since my understanding of the game is very limited, would posting the page on a BQM and asking additionnal questions and getting feedback from good players before master editing be a good way to proceed?

Thank you.

White invasions at a,b or c  

Consider the Upper and Down sides as unrelated.

Additional White stones at circled points.

White invasions at a, b, or c

(moved from QuickQuestions)

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