Ummm, didn't get all that. But consider the fact that any move can be repeated up to 3 times exactly. Any game can co on forever. All pieces can go backwards (except pawns). Thus players can refuse to take the opponents pieces or not see the opportunity to do so. This can make a game last forever.
For example. Imove the horse, he moves the horse too. I move it in anoher way, and he does too. We can both keep moving the horse forever without having to attack.If this is not allowed we can both go to another piece.
The point is pieces don't have to attack each other and can move backwards.
If pieces have to attack each other, pawns can get those pieces back, or you can prolong a game to unreasonable extent. The point is any combination of moves can be made, this leads to an infinite number of moves as games don't have to end.
If the rules say a game has to end, this is a different story. But I personally have NEVER played a timed game of chess.
Also considerthe fact different games have different rules. Thus you must add up the number of all the possible outcomes of every chess game with any rules. There might even be ruls you've never heard of. O and did you consider casteling, some people have never heard of that.