Forum for L+1 group

Verifiable claim? [#2223]

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reply Verifiable claim? (2010-03-14 17:03) [#7419]

According to unkx80: "For hundreds of years or even thousands of years, the first L+1 group with hane on both sides is thought to be alive. However, when the group has no external liberties, White can turn it into a ten-thousand year ko. "

Is there are justification for this statement?


Bill: Re: Verifiable claim? (2010-03-14 19:09) [#7422]

See [ext] Eba's book online

Unkx80: Re: Verifiable claim? (2010-03-14 19:25) [#7423]

Thanks for the reference. I must have been mistaken - the claim is removed.

Unkx80: ((no subject)) (2010-03-14 17:47) [#7420]

I can't remember where the material regarding L+1 group with hane on both sides (and the claim) came from now. Please feel free to remove the claim regarding the time.

I guess the material probably came from a thread. Someone, possibly Bill, demonstrated the possibility of turning it into a ten-thousand year ko. But I think that it is true that this is a very recent development (within the past two or three years), because all the while I always thought that L+1 group with hane on both sides is unconditionally alive.

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