Forum for Cap

What is the term? [#2093]

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reply What is the term? (2009-12-12 02:18) [#6695]

What is it called when you cap in response to a cap (i.e. cap the capping stone)? Is there even a term for it? It seems playable, interesting, and full of kiai. ~srn347

X Re: What is the term? (2009-12-12 02:42) [#6698]

Bob McGuigan: I don't think there is a special term for this tactic but it might be played when the rest of the board is right. The capping move is often played as a move reducing or invading an opponent's moyo. If the moyo is deep enough and the stones making the moyo are strong enough then "recapping" can be a viable move to attack the invading stone. It is kind of a pincer on the invading stone. If the conditions are not right, though, recapping might help the invading stone by playing too close.

reply ((no subject)) (2009-12-12 02:58) [#6699]

Hmm...interesting. That sounds about right, and well thought out. I don't see how a cap qualifies as an invasion though.

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