What is it called when you cap in response to a cap (i.e. cap the capping stone)? Is there even a term for it? It seems playable, interesting, and full of kiai. ~srn347
Bob McGuigan: I don't think there is a special term for this tactic but it might be played when the rest of the board is right. The capping move is often played as a move reducing or invading an opponent's moyo. If the moyo is deep enough and the stones making the moyo are strong enough then "recapping" can be a viable move to attack the invading stone. It is kind of a pincer on the invading stone. If the conditions are not right, though, recapping might help the invading stone by playing too close.
Hmm...interesting. That sounds about right, and well thought out. I don't see how a cap qualifies as an invasion though.