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Is the RGG FAQ still in use? [#1781]

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HermanHiddema: Is the RGG FAQ still in use? (2009-04-01 11:22) [#5888]

As far as I can find, the last time the FAQ was actually posted to the newsgroup was in 2004. Is this document still being used at all?

Unkx80: Re: Is the RGG FAQ still in use? (2009-04-01 12:20) [#5889]


A bit of history here. Morten created the SL RGG FAQ pages here several years back (longer than your history of being a librarian) with the aim of subsequently updating the actual FAQ and posting it to RGG on a regular basis. This project ran into some technical problems, and has been abandoned before it was completed.

HermanHiddema: Re: Is the RGG FAQ still in use? (2009-04-01 12:39) [#5890]

Ok thanks!

Is it an idea, then, to update this page (as well as RGGFAQonSL and other similar pages) with a warning/disclaimer that this FAQ is no longer being posted to RGG, and that it is only kept for here for historical purposes?

Dieter: ((no subject)) (2009-04-01 15:25) [#5891]

It would be a very useful project to check if all material covered in the FAQ is covered in SL as a separate entry. The FAQ can be translated into a natural index page for material on SL, if these are indeed frequently asked questions.

Maybe we can check GoDiscussions and RGG for currently frequently asked questions.

HermanHiddema: Re: ((no subject)) (2009-04-01 16:10) [#5892]

Agree, that would be very useful. We could also consider turning the "Editable RGG FAQ" into a generic "Go FAQ" and link it from the front page...

Dieter: mostly remove? (2013-07-24 15:39) [#9797]

As I currently see it, I would draw out the historical stuff, related to the online go community itself and destroy the rest.

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