Forum for Go Editing Programs
Go editing programs for Linux [#1657]
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Go editing programs for Linux
(2008-12-09 11:15) [#5399]
I'm a Linux newbie and looking for a go editing program for Linux.
I'm used to Drago on Windows from which I really like the stone "paint" feature.
Does a similar program exist for Linux? Is it possible to run Drago using Wine?
Any tips or recommendations most welcome!
Re: Go editing programs for Linux
(2008-12-09 13:25) [#5400]
There is a lot of good software (not only for go!) written in languages such as Java and Python which work equally well on many different platforms including linux. For example, you might like to check out GoWrite, Jago and Kombilo.
Re: Go editing programs for Linux
(2008-12-09 13:48) [#5401]
Cgoban works for playing on KGS. For editing and playing on IGS I use qgo. I don't know what distribution you use but qgo is in the Ubuntu package repository.
Thanks for the comments
(2008-12-10 10:15) [#5405]
I'll try the programs commented above.
(I'm running eee Linux which is based on Xandros)
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