Wikipedia is a lovely tool. It lets people share ideas and have others peer review it for correctness. At the moment -- the page is lacking a definite goal for content provided by others. "The Value of a Move" is intended to be informative and referenceable... the idea that a move will gain a point advantage is nothing new. But there are other gamethink advantages that a move can do i.e: sacrifice, influence, create flexability. These all have their own pages for sure. But they haven't been combined together from the perspective of what makes a move worthy to play. I'll admit that meta-thinking about every context of a go move is not a something that be done by one person. Please use the discussion section for: things that have been missed, a nicer page structure system, etc...
As a mock up, I have designed something like:
...this is just an example that quickly wrote (because I'm worried about what people are posting at the moment).
The main intention is for everyone to include what they see as important for "TheValueOfAMove?". Keeping in mind that useful information can take many forms (written, diagram, procedural, tabled) and this helps when the information is suited to the style of presentation. (Not doubling up work unless the original reference lacks a point).
"But there are other gamethink advantages that a move can do i.e: sacrifice, influence, create flexibility. These all have their own pages for sure. But they haven't been combined together from the perspective of what makes a move worthy to play."
New perspectives are welcome additions to SL. :) And this one sounds interesting to me. However, the page title does not suggest such a perspective. Pehaps a better title will suggest itself as the page is developed.
More importantly, different people have different perspectives, and, unless this is intended as a discussion page, the original, interesting perspective can end up being muddled or edited out of existence. So the material might be better presented as an essay developing a particular perspective.
I'm glad you like this site, whoever you are! Just let me point out briefly that SL is not wikipedia ;-)