The "has link from page X" feature in advanced findpage only lists those pages that have page X as the first link in their backlink list.
The count should correspond to the actual unique forward links on page X.
I have tried some searches, all of them work as expected. Could you give me an example where the bug occurs?
Go Variants lead me to the bug.
Searching for "govariants" yields the correct result: it lists all links from the pages GoVariants, GoVariantsAsTeachingMethod and GoVariantsThatMakeYouBetterPlayerInNormalGo. Note that GoVariants is an alias and only links to one page: Variants.
Now if you search for "Variants" you get 185 links. If there is any problem at all, then it is that the link-searches do an automatic wildcard which you cannot turn off. E.g. the 185 links are actually from these nine pages.
I have added "exact search" options for pagenames and links.