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Comparison to and collaboration with other sites [#1439]

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Dieter: Comparison to and collaboration with other sites (2008-07-01 19:59) [#4801]

How well is SL doing these days? Can anyone make a comparison with or or others? Where can we add value, where should we put less focus because the format is more suitable elsewhere or mass is much higher there?

Shouldn't we be building bridges to those sites, other than occasional links?

Can we have some trends in visitor/contributor statistics over the last year?

velobici: Re: Comparison to and collaboration with other sites (2009-07-03 12:20) [#4802]

GoDiscussions is a chat site. Nearly all information is located in various discussion threads that may move from the original topic to others. It does have some product and book reviews, but this is not the site's strongest area, neither are the reviews very informative. The information in the discussions is hard to find via search...its very much an "of the moment" site. Not an archive or reference location, but rather a "community".

GoProblems is just that a collection of problems.

Sensei's Library is the one place where reference material and other quasi-permanent information can be stored. So one task we can take on is to refer folks on GoDiscussions to Sensei's Library when they ask questions that are best answered here and to capture from the discussion threads items that are of more lasting interest such as the Quad Cities Go Club page among others.

Bridges? Admins on all three sites should work together...that would be good.

Stats should be available from the folks that run the sites.

HermanHiddema: ((no subject)) (2008-09-03 16:24) [#4803]

I think SL is doing quite well. It is always one of the first places I refer new players to, and they are generally very impressed and enthusiastic about it.

I think GoDiscussions and GoProblemsCom do a single thing very well, while Sensei's is incredibly broad, doing many things quite nicely.

For example, GoProblemsCom and SL are both pretty good for just getting a problem on the screen and solving it in your head. But the GoProblemsCom format allows time-trials, rating problems, etc.

Similarly, GoDiscussions is a more full-fledged forum. Both SL and GoDiscussions allow you to discuss things, but GoDiscussions adds all sorts of nice-to-haves (avatars, interactive diagrams, private messages, etc).

As such, I think there is very little that really needs to change. I think Sensei's has become what it set out to be. It is a library, a reference, a community, a place where people talk, play go (e.g. Ongoing Game 5) and read both silly humor and serious essays. It is exactly what it says on the front page "whatever we make of it".

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