Forum for Atomic Bomb Game

Propaganda leaflets ? [#1422]

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velobici: Propaganda leaflets ? (2008-06-11 13:15) [#4751]

Per the [ext] link cited at GlobalSecurity?.org, the leaflets were designated as propaganda by the military in Japan. It appears that the contents of the leaflets was correct. The leaflets read in part Read this carefully as it may save your life or the life of a relative or friend. In the next few days, some or all of the cities named on the reverse side will be destroyed by American bombs. ... We cannot promise that only these cities will be among those attacked but some or all of them will be, so heed this warning and evacuate these cities immediately. (rest of text at bottom of link cited above.)

0. The leaflets list a set of 35 cities that may be bombed.
1. The leaflets do not mention a new weapon.
2. Japan had been subjected to firebombing for a extended period. It appears that the contents of the leaflets are not inconsistent with continued firebombing.
3. Civilian evacuation would serve to decrease the number of civilian casualties.
4. Would it have been a morally superior act not to have dropped the leaflets.

Are these leaflets propaganda ?
Should these be described as propaganda leaflets ?

Please note: the question of whether or not the atomic bombs should have or should not have been used against the cities is not the subject here. That's quite a different question.

reply ((no subject)) (2008-06-11 15:37) [#4752]

Bob McGuigan: According to Merriam-Webster:


1) The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person

2) Ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect

Since propaganda can consist of facts or information it seems that whether the leaflets were propaganda depends on their purpose. I suppose it isn't stretching things too far to say that anything done by one side in a war is intended to further its cause in some way, so in that case the leaflets could be called propaganda.

velobici: too broad a definition ? (2008-06-11 16:19) [#4753]

1) The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person

Sensei's Library is for the purpose of helping a cause that cause being the playing of go by as large a number of people as possible.
Sensei's Library is go propaganda ?

Universities spread ideas, information for for the purpose of helping a cause, that cause being education.
Propaganda as well ? Re: too broad a definition ? (2008-06-11 18:33) [#4754]

Well I gave the "official" definition, but I agree that in common use in the USA propaganda has a negative connotation. Back in the cold war years we were always told by the government that information from the USSR was propaganda but similar statements by the US government were not. Concerning the leaflets, though, there is a clear military purpose in distributing them beyond limiting civilian casualties. Saying one or more of 35 cities would be bombed and people living there should evacuate could serve at least two military purposes. It could be disruptive to industrial production and would also negatively affect civilian morale. Thus the leaflets could be viewed as propaganda in the sense of information that helps achieve a military goal.

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