Forum for Mmlvx

((no subject)) [#12145]

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Dieter: ((no subject)) (2022-04-14 09:56) [#12057]

Welcome back!

2020 should be 2022 :)

If you want, we can rename your homepage.

reply ((no subject)) (2022-04-14 10:40) [#12058]

Thank you, Dieter! Thanks for the welcome, and for catching the typo (I am so used to inserting the date with a macro in text docs, I forget to look check what year it is, apparently). In the next day or two, I will rename the page and set an alias so all the old "wegobad" stuff will link. I need to re-familiarize myself with how the wiki works. (Looks like there have been a few improvements while I was away.)

Dieter: ((no subject)) (2022-04-14 11:01) [#12059]

I think you can't rename a page even as the original creator, or as a homepage. You can of course create a new one and move all content there but renaming is more efficient.

Just give me a yell if you can't and I need to apply my (drums rolling) librarian powers.

X Re: ((no subject)) (2022-04-14 11:08) [#12060]

Oh, I see. When I switched from TakeNGive / TNG to Wegobad, I did it myself; but that was years ago, so maybe I cannot do it. Please, kind sir Librarian, would you rename my homepage to mmlvx? (Or Mmlvx; I do not care about capitalization; I just wish to conform to the current norm for that sort of thing.)

Dieter: Re: ((no subject)) (2022-04-14 14:04) [#12061]

hmmm ... nothing should have changed as far as user rights concern. So give it a try :)

I didn't realize you were TakeNGive :)

reply ((no subject)) (2022-04-14 15:22) [#12062]

Thanks for the assist, @Dieter -- iirc, the Librarian role was not yet a thing when I (think I) renamed TakeNGive -> wegobad. And when I created the alias page, I noticed something about: for changing the page title, the only modifications available were letter case (and, too lazy to check now, perhaps punctuation and spaces). So I think that (as you said initially) I could not have renamed the page. Danke!

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