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sumisu: Go Programmes (2008-12-03 14:05) [#4051]

Hi! I'm new here (my page is at sumisu) and was wondering if anyone knows any good free go programmes for either a computer or casio calculator. I looked on this site earlier and deduced that "ti-go" is the only programme for the ti-89 and though it works somewhat, I have to manually 'remove' stones and you cannot play against a computer opponent. Hence, I am thinking of switching back to a Casio calculator (what i had originally). Most likely the problems are due to me being a novice at calculator programming and the solutions would not be appropriate for a go site, so that's alright. I was basically wondering if anyone knew of any good free go programmes for either ti or casio calculators, or a computer (preferably that allow for play against a CPU opponent).


P.S.: Thank you for reading all of this...

reply ((no subject)) (2008-11-29 22:28) [#5327]

Mahasattva: If you look at the British Go Association website, there is a survey of go programmes, including free software. GnuGo is quite good and works on Handhelds. Have fun!

Phelan: ((no subject)) (2008-12-03 14:10) [#5350]

GoPrograms has a list of Go software, split into types. It seems what you want should be either at GoPlayingPrograms or at GoEditingPrograms.

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