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Growing list of orphans [#11570]

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Dieter: Growing list of orphans (2021-12-20 10:54) [#11983]

The list of orphans, or "unreachable" pages, keeps growing. If I find the time I'll try to link them from a good spot. The best practice remains to create pages from an existing page, so that they are naturally linked.

Many pages are in the same area of professional Go, so they should naturally find a parent.

  • Unreachable: 2021 In The Big Seven Japanese Titles
  • Unreachable: China-Korea Super League
  • Unreachable: Etiquette Title
  • Unreachable: Hino Shota
  • Unreachable: Hitachi Number 830
  • Unreachable: Hitachi Number 840
  • Unreachable: Japanese For Interpreting Websites
  • Unreachable: Mitsuo Horiguchi
  • Unreachable: Supreme Female Player
  • Unreachable: Supreme Player
  • Unreachable: Teikei Cup
  • Unreachable: Westerners Beating 9d Professionals
  • Unreachable: Where To Play Go
  • Unreachable: yoikopomo
bugcat: yoikopomo is spam (2021-12-20 11:42) [#11984]

yoikopomo was a spam page. I requested deletion of it on the day of its creation two months ago.

bugcat: ((no subject)) (2021-12-20 11:48) [#11985]

China-Korea Super League, Supreme Player, Supreme Female Player and the Teikei Cup can all be linked from the professional tournaments page.

Hino Shota can be linked from the alphabetic professionals list in this section -- Hikosaka 彦, Hisai 久井, Hisajima 久島. He goes after Hikosaka.

bugcat: ((no subject)) (2021-12-20 11:58) [#11986]

Etiquette Title could attach to Big Titles.

As for Westerners Beating 9d Pros, seems like it'd go alright in Go history. So would 2021 in the Big Seven Titles.

I recommend linking Japanese for Interpreting Websites from Japanese era conversion.

The parent page of the Hitachi tsumego is Hitachi Go problems.

Where to Play Go is a tool of BadukClub.

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