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Is there a Go Proverb for work? [#1130]

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Buitenland: Is there a Go Proverb for work? (2007-08-27 12:31) [#3855]

Buitenland Is there a Go proverb for the term work? Or a Go proverb which relates to this in the opening? It seems like an important concept to me but I couldn't find within the GoProverbs page. And, as opposed to or to add to the previous concept,is there a proverb about "Do not support stones that served their purpose?" Thanks

Buitenland: Re: Is there a Go Proverb for work? (2007-08-27 18:11) [#3857]

I found an partial reply on my first question as I found this principle on the GeneralOpeningPrinciples page.

Bill: Re: Is there a Go Proverb for work? (2007-08-27 22:12) [#3858]

I don't know of any. A web search in Japanese did not bear fruit.

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