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problems book recomendation [#1115]

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reply problems book recomendation (2007-08-20 15:36) [#3821]

Hey, I'm looking either for the page here that lists recommended books for problems or peoples personal advice.

Specifically, I am a 14k player on KGS and I am looking for a good book of problems that will help me improve. I'd also like it to be cheap so I can toss it in my bag and not worry about it getting beaten up.

X Re: problems book recomendation (2007-08-20 15:42) [#3822]

Bob McGuigan: Whether you would consider these cheap or not I don't know:

Graded Go Problems for Beginners volumes 1 - 4, but probably you don't need volume 1 if you are 14k.

1001 Life and Death Problems

Rescue and Capture by Yilun Yang

reply ((no subject)) (2007-11-21 17:57) [#4063]

no content

I would second the 4 Volume Graded Go Problems for Beginners with the same stipulation. I still go through them at around 7Kyu. Some of the ones in the 4th Volume are fairly challenging at my level even after completing them.

reply Graded Go Problems (2007-12-10 11:00) [#4119]

i like the "graded go problems for beginners" very much, but the "official" dificulty ranking is quite ridiculous. actually, its more like:

volume 1: 30-20k (first games on big board) volume 2: 20-10k volume 3: 10-5k volume 4: 5k-1k

(this should be an answer to the problem books task?! think im getting something wrong here..)

Dtm: Re: Graded Go Problems (2008-01-29 18:14) [#4231]

I would also suggest getting the entire series at 14k. I know i did. Even if the volume 1 is easy for your level, its also good to go through quickly to lock the concepts in and get fast at reading. A dan player told me that they now do the same with the later volumes. So really, this series is useful for a very long time.

reply books (2008-02-02 17:20) [#4245]


graded go problems is definitely nice, and after you have managed the second book, and when you get to about 9-8k on KGS i can definitely recommend get strong at tesuji...

succes ufotds

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