Forum for Nihon Ki-in new promotion system

Promotion to 9dan on two second tier top seven titles. [#10822]

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ArsLonga: Promotion to 9dan on two second tier top seven titles. (2021-07-20 02:51) [#11679]

Perhaps a slight rewording of the promotion criterion for second tier top seven titles is in order.

Winning the Kisei, Meijin or Honinbo title gains 9d directly.

The article reads that one can also gain 9d by "Win Judan, Tengen, Oza or Gosei, twice".

Apparently the rule is actually winning two of these titles, possibly the same one twice. It is not required to win the same one twice as written.

An example is Ichiriki Ryo promoted to 9d in 2020 apparently on the basis of winning the Gosei AND Tengen, but not either twice.

Update: In the news from 2003 at the Nihon-Kiin web site it reads:

"1. Winning a title

 Winning the Kisei, Meijin, Honinbo or an international title will earn promotion to 9-dan. Winning the Judan, Tengen, Oza or Gosei title once will earn promotion to 8-dan, twice to 9-dan."


DuEm6: Re: Promotion to 9dan on two second tier top seven titles. (2021-07-19 16:14) [#11680]

Just edit it in.

ArsLonga: Re: Promotion to 9dan on two second tier top seven titles. (2021-07-20 02:39) [#11682]

I did not want to do that before I had found an authoritative or official statement concerning the promotion rules to use as reference.

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