Quick couple of questions about a joseki.
the attach tesuji usually used when there is a black stone in the centre which can support this, however in this case there is not. Logic dictates that these 'bad move' ( 3 isn't good without a pinceer and 5 fails to defend the black right side)should give white the advantage however, I've racked my brains trying to come up with a solution fow white, any ideas?
Herman Hiddema: Here's an idea. White exchanges for , then attacks with (if black does not answer at , but plays at or around , white can strongly attack the corner and get a good position along the top).
If we look at this with Tewari analysis: Suppose after , black played the normal move at . Then if white played , would you invade at , inviting ?
Herman Hiddema: And see: 4-4 point diagonal attachment, pincer (without one-space jump)