Tsumego From Games 126 / Attempts

Sub-page of TsumegoFromGames126


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White cuts directly
Futile peep
Not really anything.
White started at the 4-2 point
Counters to the 4-2 point
Counters to the 4-2 point (A)
Counters to the 4-2 point (A)
Counters to the 4-2 point (B)
It may even have looked as worse as this:



Tapir: White may try some stunts like this. But it should not work. And it is no shame to resign in a handicap game, especially when your opponent killed two huge groups already (with or without help).

Direct cut

White cuts directly  

Joelr: I need a misstep from Black here, but I'd rather cut than peep. I don't know if Wa, Br is a way to induce the wrong B4.

MrTenuki: I agree with Tapir that resigning as White might make more sense. Also, B6 at W7 in the second diagram seems to save the two stones.

tderz: wow! That's an interesting tesuji which I know but overlooked. Also it wouldn't help the white upper right group to capture stones on the bottom. With regard to resigning - first White can put Black a bit more to the test.


Futile peep  

Gano: At a glance, I thought white had something at with 1, but recalling the position later I realized there's nothing of note. White can't play "a" because he has too few liberties to do anything useful. And if white plays "b", then black will play "a" and it seems there's little that white can do.

Not really anything.  

At first I was uncertain where to place B8, but this should be adequate. With this, I can only see white achieving a false seki.

4-2 point variations

White started at the 4-2 point  

tderz: White started at the 4-2 point. Some of Black's responses do not work, but Black can refute.
All variations are interesting.

Counters to the 4-2 point  

tderz: Responses A and B spring to mmind. Both defend against tesuji C, which would enable White to capture 2 stones and link both groups.

Counters to the 4-2 point (A)  

tderz: White tried to confuse with W3. Black could contemplate D or E to keep White short on liberties and avoid white tesuji C.
Black chose D:

Counters to the 4-2 point (A)  


Counters to the 4-2 point (B)  

tderz: It can easily become complicated after W3. One outcome might be a triple seki between white+square, the black stones and the corner. If White achieves that in sente, she doesn't make points, yet has a tempo to make white+triangle alive.

unkx80: I don't understand. white+triangle is already alive. If White manages to get a seki in the corner, then it would be a false seki anyway, because white+square would be dead.

tderz: Of course your are right about the false triple seki.
W.r.t. to the life of white+triangle I wrote in the description: '... the 3rd group is also not very stable, if Black would play R, then sente S threatens, whereafter Black could make the eye Q false by black P. '
Also I wrote 'The position is quite correct, I'm at present not very sure about the K2,3 stones, ...' which is true, as it looked worse in real. I am still waiting for a picture taken by Marc at that moment of the position in dicussion. I will then add the corrected SGF.

[ext] http://eidogo.com/#1Z9uxc8 position (continuation) + start of game (scroll down in EidoGo), however the position around K2 is still flawed, as it was a fast game after all.

It may even have looked as worse as this:  

Tsumego From Games 126 / Attempts last edited by on March 28, 2009 - 17:05
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