Sort Problems By Rank
Keywords: Software
This script is for windows xp users. Maybe it is working under other versions, too.
PURPOSE: Allowing Windows Xp users ( maybe other versions
are ok, too) to sort the problems fetched from
by ranks mentioned in the DI tag of the sgf-files.
- copy the text below into notepad.
- save as sort.bat
- put sort.bat into the same folder as the goproblems sgf
- execute sort.bat by double clicking
AUTHOR : Benjamin Egner
DATE : 2006/12/17
REMARK : Depending on your machine speed this might take a few minutes. Please do not redistribute modified versions of this file.
If this has been useful for you, you can drop a line.
for %%P in (*.sgf) do ( echo --- processing %%P --- for /f "delims=][ tokens=4" %%i in ('findstr "DI" %%P') do ( if exist %%i ( copy %%P %%i ) else ( mkdir %%i copy %%P %%i ) ) )
For unix shell users there is a script at DisortSh.