At KGS we have a Simultaneous Go room called Simul, found in room category Social. Since its creation in early 2008 signon rate is slow, and therefore the room is stated to have a mission of serving interests of multiplayer games.
This is because the owner of the room like PairGo primarily. He participates in Simultaneous Go whenever he can.
In July08 we are trialling a mechanism of using the room to preannounce upcoming Simul games. This is an attempt to reduce the waiting time for a Simultaneous Go game to be filled up.
Samabcde is the first brave soul to try the system, he wanted 20 for a game planned for 18th July 08. Lets hope his needs are served better with this mechanism.
In May20 we discussed an experimental format of MultiSimultaneous Games, where many players play simultaneously against each other.