Shinomiya Yonezo

    Keywords: Culture & History, People

(四宮米蔵, 1769-1835) Self-taught Go hustler, who played a jubango against Honinbo Jowa recceiving two stone handicap.

To quote our article on Jowa:

"Another famous jubango Jowa played was against 'Yonezo from Awa' (Shinomiya Yonezo), a famous go gambler. To Yonezo's surprise, (Honinbo) Genjo recommended they play with a two stone handicap (Yonezo as black) and Jowa won 5, lost 4 & 1 jigo." This result earned him a 3 dan status.

The games can be viewed [ext] here.

Shinomiya Yonezo last edited by hnishy on July 22, 2024 - 03:09
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