Senseis teaching ladder game 1 - about 10k
Invade lower side or play sth like q6???
Please comment!
Rubyflame (10k): I might try R5. White will want to respond, perhaps with a two-space extension along the bottom, and then black makes some nice side territory.
Move in game was r7
HolIgor: There is no space at the bottom to make a lot of territory for black. In that case simple erasure is OK. There is no way to prevent white from getting some points in the corner. I would not like to let white to get a large territory at the bottom. I have to keep in mind that the attack on the white's centre group is possible. I'd play q4. r5 is not bad too, r7 is tepid in my opinion.
IanDavis: I wonder if there is an arguement for pressing the weakish group first before this play? Can black first play around (say) h14 ? I think in general I'd be drawn to the bottom corner first though.
Charles I might play this way. and are nice plays anyway. And at this point White isn't quite sure of the corner, yet.