RTG Problem 53 / Attempts

Sub-page of RTGProblem53
Main line  

Dieter: The first line to investigate is what happens when Black removes all eye potential in the connect-and die at B1. W2 brings the capturing race to 3-2 in his favour. Black chases the three cutting stones and with B7 reduces both strings to 2 liberties, but W8 solves it all.

So something has to be done with the order of play, it seems.

Black first  

This way doesn't change anything: Black captures all but the big string, for a is still connect and die.

White first - var 1  

White can capture the top string, but Black has time to capture the left string and White's eyespace is not big enough: all stones die.

White first - var 2  

So White can make life for the left and centre string but loses the rest of the stones. Incidentally, B4 is necessary. If W3 at B4, then B4 ata.


In summary, all stones have a settled status. The marked white strings are alive, the unmarked are dead. All Black stones live but the two marked stones.

Blind spot  

Could it be that W4 and W6 are a blind spot to the problem composer? Still thinking --Dieter

Herman: B7 at a now, I guess?

unkx80: Dieter and Herman, you are both right.

Herman: Meaning, I assume, that you did not consider Dieter's W4 and W6 when composing the problem (but, perhaps, only the next diagram below), but that my suggested B7 saves the day and makes this variation work as well? :-)

unkx80: Sorta yes, but I already corrected this deficiency in the final problem composition presented here. The problem composition that had this deficiency is in the /Comments page. Otherwise, I don't need to give the White chain on the left of B3 such a long tail.

Dieter: It is I who had a blind spot. As soon as Herman suggested B7, I saw the two variants of the solution. Then when unkx80 said we were both right, I assumed that he was hinting at his original composition.

It is a very nice problem, really astute.

unkx80: Thanks! =)

continuation 1  

Herman: If W4 like this, then after this sequence the move at a and the throw-in at black+circle are miai for Black.

RTG Problem 53 / Attempts last edited by Unkx80 on April 15, 2009 - 17:31
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