Pyjama Go
Pyjama Go is an educational Go variant designed to develop positional judgement and yose skills, especially for inconsistent or violent players whose games often end in resignation.
First play a regular game of Go. Pyjama Go only becomes an option if one player resigns, because the final board position is reused in the Pyjama Go game.
In an even game, the resigning player must set a komi that he believes will make the game even. This Pyjama komi will be granted to his color in the new game. Then, the winning player will decide whether the players switch colors. The Pyjama Go game begins as a continuation of the original Go game with the new komi chosen by the previous loser and the players in new places at the option of the previous winner.
The earlier resignation should still be considered a loss, and the Pyjama Go should be treated as a new game. Multiple resignations can create several Pyjama Go games from one original game of Go.
In handicap Go, before the regular Pyjama Go decision making process, the stronger player should decide on and announce an appropriate number of handicap points to keep the game interesting, which will be added to the weaker player's score after the Pyjama komi and switch option are determined. If the weaker player is the one who resigned, the stronger player may wish to offer advice in setting the Pyjama komi.
This suggests a named special case: Black Pyjama Go. When the black player resigns in a handicap game that is still close, white offers to simply play black, either because the lead is an appropriate handicap, or to refute the resignation.
ProtoDeuteric: Why is this called "Pyjama Go"?
blubb: Regardless of its curious name, I find this idea very interesting. Handicap handling sounds a little awkward, but in even games, I would like to give it a try. Resuming already finished game is possible in "teaching" games at KGS, but unfortunately, I don't know a server that supports switching colors.
axd: I don't understand the handicap case. What would be the difference between handicap points and a komi value?
Sebastian: Since nobody had an answer to ProtoDeuteric's question, since it seems not to be an established name, and since I think a more descriptive name would be better, how about calling it "renegotiated komi Go", or short "re-komi"?