Profit value

Path: <= Endgame =>

In a recent book[1] O Meien stresses how much a play gains (its profit value). Three types of plays make a profit: ko, gote, and reverse sente. He says that you can't speak of making a profit with a sente play. (This is in line with the proverb, Sente gains nothing, and with the fact that the size of a sente is not the size of the threat it carries, but the size of the reverse sente.) Except for not referring to the size of sente, profit value is the same as miai value.

[1] Yose: Zettai Keisan.

Bill: The title literally translates as Yose: Absolute Calculation. Since absolute value already has a special meaning in English, I have come up with profit value, which, I believe, captures the essence of the idea.

Path: <= Endgame =>
Profit value last edited by Bill on April 2, 2006 - 06:17
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