P 0 PTart
I'm Dakota, 1d-2d, 19 years old, and living in Florida. Now you know everything there is to know about my life.
My old accounts were EdElric, KenshinX, Nageru, and Geared. Both Fanthan and Shodansoon have taught me a lot. Thank you to you both and anyone else who has taken the time to teach me something. RyugaAkaL and I have been pushing each others strengths for years. He is my life long rival.
My Best Friend ~
My Brother -
My Friends:
- Tig
- Envy
- Shodansoon
- Cook777
- Jester
- Dsaun
- Starstorm
- Hebi
- Guybrush
...and others, tell me if you're not on this list.
wither [7k]: having poptart review this game would be like having a college professor grade kindergarten homework
RizaHwkeye [15k]: if you love tengen so much just marry it :P
RyugaAkaL [6k]: i would but its always a love triangle
Nageru [6k]: those things can be pretty empty >.>
P0PTart: he enjoys long walks on the beach, rock and roll and he ALWAYS opens on tengen...if you know what Im saying
Rizar: he's clearly an influence player, if you know what I mean.
P0PTart: yeah, he uses his walls to attack, if you know what Im saying
Rizar: he always attacks my groups, if you catch my meaning.
P0PTart: he always invades the corner, if youre picking up what Im putting down
Rizar: he maintains sente, if you get my drift.
P0PTart: he always responds to a keima kakari on a komuku with a two space hiraki thus passivly gaining local territory, if you know what Im saying
Rizar: oh yes, he _does_ passively gain local territory...~
RizaHwkeye [17k]: how long have you been playing?
EdElric? [16k]: a week
EdElric? [16k]: what about you?
RizaHwkeye [17k]: lol, your joking
EdElric? [16k]: nope
RizaHwkeye [17k]: i've been playing for about a month
EdElric? [16k]: wow
RizaHwkeye [17k]: yea
RizaHwkeye [17k]: either your really skilled or i really suck
EdElric? [16k]: I've made it my life mission to find out!
RizaHwkeye [17k]: omg me too!
RizaHwkeye [17k]: *buddies you*
EdElric? [18k]: sooooo, how are the kids?
RizaHwkeye [17k]: kids?
EdElric? [18k]: uh, yea, our kids?
EdElric? [18k]: remember?
RizaHwkeye [17k]: no, no i dont XD
EdElric? [18k]: I cant believe this (sob)
RizaHwkeye [17k]: lol
RizaHwkeye [17k]: i can
EdElric? [18k]: I thought we had something special...
RizaHwkeye [17k]: lol, that's what everyone thinks XD
EdElric? [18k]: I must make it my life mission to make you my gf!!
RizaHwkeye [17k]: you have too many life missions
EdElric? [18k]: no, you have too few
EdElric? [18k]: why would you do that to me?
RizaHwkeye [17k]: lol
EdElric? [18k]: after all we've been through?
RizaHwkeye [17k]: i met you this afternoon XD
EdElric? [18k]: and to think I thought you were the one...
RizaHwkeye [17k]: everyone thinks i am "the one"
RizaHwkeye [17k]: i won
RizaHwkeye [17k]: by .5
EdElric? [18k]: nicely played Riza
RizaHwkeye [17k]: thanks^^
EdElric? [18k]: you've proven worthy to be my gf
RizaHwkeye [17k]: ah, tengen!!!
EdElric? [17k]: I always go in the tengen because it sounds awesome
RizaHwkeye [17k]: lol
RizaHwkeye [17k]: i ♥ tengen
EdElric? [16k]: AW YEAH!!! WE ARE TEAM AWESOME!!!
RizaHwkeye [17k]: YES, YES, TEAM AWESOME!!!
P0PTart: Look, another not riza has joined roga
P0PTart: Hello, not riza
takayanagi: anyone who believes in god is my enemy
P0PTart: I believe in 12 gods, so I am 12 of your enemies!
DonGroucho?: plus the link smells like a dead fish
takayanagi: ur mom smells like dead fish
DonGroucho?: ur mom is a dead fish
P0PTart: my fish smells like your mom
DonGroucho?: COMBO
takayanagi: ur mom is a combo
P0PTart: I combod your mom
P0PTart: in bed
Shinichi56: what should i do after a sleepness night?
P0PTart: sleep
Shinichi56: but i have to go to school
P0PTart: exactly
P0PTart: plenty of time to catch up on your sleep
marc: men are such pigs
P0PTart: all men are pigs but not all pigs are men
LetsPlay?: Anybody have experience with c++ can answer a question about coding?
P0PTart: I got C+s in high school all the time, whats the question
YohAsakura: "DonGroucho?: wait robin wasnt a female!?0.O"
cook777: you thought robin was femaile?????????????
cook777: man I hope youd dint have any active imationation at night about roben.
YohAsakura: anyone else miss that
P0PTart: I did...
DonGroucho?: wait what?0.0
P0PTart: you'll never know if I was responding to yoh or cook XD
My goals:
✓ Reach sdk
✓ Reach shodan
✓ Reach 2d
□ Reach 3d
□ Reach 4d
□ Reach 5d
□ Reach 6d
□ Reach 7d
□ Reach 8d
□ Reach 9d
□ Become pro
□ Begin an online video channel to teach Go and to chronicle my travels
"I have no time for easily-mastered games like chess."
-Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate