Okunuki Chisaku

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(奥貫智策, 1786-1812) Honinbo house pupil, 5 dan when he died young.

In 1809 he played a match against Yamamoto Genkichi, winning 5 games and losing 5 (1 jigo). In a previous match in 1803 they won 5 games each, but Genkichi had previously forced Chisaku to the handicap of playing black in all games (this is a incomplete [ext] list of their games).

In 1824, Suzuki Chisei (鈴木知清, a Yasui School pupil) published a book titled "Taishu hyaku-dan" (對手百談) with 100 games between him and Chisaku, which can be viewed at the Japanese National Diet Library: [ext] Vol.1, [ext] Vol.2, [ext] Vol.3, [ext] Vol.4.

Okunuki Chisaku last edited by hnishy on July 22, 2024 - 23:49
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