Norman P
Name: Norman Perlmutter
Date of Birth: October 7, 1984
KGS Username: Norman314
Recently moved to Florida from NYC to take a job as a professor, after finishing my Ph.D. Here, there are fewer strong players and I have less time, so my go has been languishing. I'm barely holding onto my 4 kyu rank on KGS.
Earlier: I am a Ph.D. student in math living in New York City. I'm a member of the Brooklyn Go Club and the Mostly Go Meetup group. I've known the rules of go for many years -- first saw that game in the Klutz Book of Games when I was a child, but I began playing seriously in the spring of 2011. Since then, go has become an obsession. I'm now 5 kyu on KGS and continuing to improve.
Favorite Go Books Kageyama: Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go
Yang: Fundamental Principles of Go
Davies and Ishida: Attack and Defense
Matthews: Shape Up
I can be reached by gmail, under the same username as my KGS username.
Welcome to Sensei's Norm! I'm also doing my PhD... And my blog's name is MostlyMaths? :D